Onore al merito apriamo la rassegna dei video, del Trofeo Gladiators del 17 dicembre 2006, con un esibizione di Carlotta, una bambina di 8 anni appassionata di pugilato,
di seguito il clou della serata, quattro incontri nell’ordine, due di Kick Boxing, uno di Thai Boxe e l’ultimo di K1 Style.
Fabio Recinella vs Stefano Duarte
Daniele Forte vs Franceso Panerati
Milo Raini vs Marcello Oliva
Manuel Raini vs Lorenzo Mosca
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I like everything positive. I’m on this website since the first day of its existence and I have never seen anything negative on it. This website is made by people, who think positive and who have many things to tell others. I love this website, I always get positive emotions from it and I can stay here the whole days and nights!